This is counterintuitive , I know. Our natural response to seeing our child struggle is to find a way to help, not to add to the burden. If a child is struggling, why should we risk setting them up for failure in music lessons?
The answer is simple. Playing music has been discovered to have a direct and almost immediate effect on the brain of the student. That's right. Music lessons have been shown in a German study to have a significant impact on the way the brain functions after as little as five weeks!
What they found, when comparing a group of students taking music lessons with a control group that was not Wholesale Shoes China , was that students who had taken as few as ten music lessons over a five week period exhibited a significant ear to hand link.
So? What's the big deal? Life doesn't make much use of ear to hand connections unless you want to play an instrument by ear (I've always thought that provoked a strange mental picture ? imagine the ears you'd have to have to play the trombone!). The significance is two fold. First, it means that music lessons lead to brain development which ultimately means that music lessons have the effect of giving the individual that is taking the lessons improved brain function from which to draw in the rest of his or her life. Second, (and I saved the best for last) the ear to hand brain connection from music lessons is significant because researchers in Hong Kong took the study one step further and tested a group of students with music lessons and a group without music lessons for verbal memory and found that the group that was taking music lessons outscored their nonmusical peers by a significant margin.
It gets better still. The same groups of students were tested a year later, even after some of them had discontinued their music lessons Wholesale Sneakers China , and found that they still outscored their nonmusical peers in verbal tests!
The moral to that story is get your child (or even yourself) into music lessons if you want your child to have every advantage possible in life, because these are only two benefits that we know of, but there are bound to be far more yet to be discovered.
Duane Shinn is the author of over 500 music books and products such as DVD's, CD's Cheap Shoes Nike China , musical games for kids, chord charts, musical software, and piano lesson instructional courses for adults. He holds advanced degrees from Southern Oregon University and was the founder of Piano University in Southern Oregon. He can be reached at . He is the author of the popular free 101-week e-mail newsletter titled "Amazing Secrets Of Exciting Piano Chords & Sizzling Piano Chord Progressions" with over 56 Cheap Nike Sneakers ,650 current subscribers. Those interested may obtain a free subscription by going to Why You Should Only Follow One "Guru" At A Time! Marketing Articles | October 27, 2002 There are now tens-of-thousands of folks working part-time,trying to generate enough income to leave their 9-5 and live offtheir online income for good.But sadly, for most of these people Cheap Sneakers Online , the reality...
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